レコードプレーヤーはKENWOOD KP-880D2、カートリッジはDENON DL-301II、SHURE V15type3、アンプはSANSUI AUD-907(907limitedも中古で買いましたが友人に譲りました)
スピーカーはElectrovoice interface2series3、その後TANNOY Arden2に。
CDプレーヤーはDENON DCD1100
そしてもう一つは、高校の恩師からいただいた真空管アンプKMQ8の存在。SANSUIAUD-907のプリ出力からKMQ8を経由してTANNOY Arden2に繋いだら音楽がとてもイキイキとなり始めました。何をかけても楽しいのです。最も耳につく中音域の表現力が良かったのでしょうね。以来、今後のレベルアップは真空管式で、と思うようになりました。
With a title like this, you’re sure there will be a list of many famous devices. However, I haven't been collecting a lot of things.
But I'll write about it as a topic to talk about.
In terms of general audio equipment, the first time I bought one was when I was 16 years old. I bought Nakamichi's cheapest cassette deck at the time (480). I liked the downward-facing analog level meter with its quick response and slow return, which felt high-end.
I also borrowed Pioneer's CT-970 and CT-A1, Nakamichi 680, SONY, AIWA, etc., but then I bought Nakamichi's ZX-7 and settled on it. In recent years, I have been buying and repairing junk REVOX and using it. A slightly different approach is the TASCAM multitracker.
The record player is KENWOOD KP-880D2, the cartridge is DENON DL-103II,DL-305, SHURE V15 type 3.
The amplifier is SANSUI AUD-907 (I also bought the 907 limited second hand but gave it to a friend).
After that, I got a KMQ8 from my high school teacher and used it as my power amplifier by connecting it to the part of preamplifier of the 907.
The speakers are Electrovoice interface2 series 3, then changed to TANNOY Arden2.
The CD player is DENON DCD1100
Up to this point, the only new purchases I have made are a cassette deck, a record player, DL-301II, and a CD player. The rest are all second hand. This is up to my student days.
During this time, there were two experiences that determined the direction I would take in the future.
The first was the choice of CD player.
I went to the store after reading a review article in an audio magazine that featured products in my price range.
I checked out the three models. This was the first time I bought a music CD. I still have it.
The impression I got when I tried them out was completely different from what I had imagined from the magazine article.
The candidates were Kenwood, Denon, and Marantz, which were all around 60,000 yen at the time. I quickly eliminated the Marantz because they only had a display model and for some reason I wasn't allowed to listen to them. The CD34, which is still considered a masterpiece.
So, a comparison of Kenwood and Denon. I used headphones.
I chose Denon. It's still in use and has never had any problems. I use it to enjoy music. It's not a device that surprises me in an audio sense, but rather a device to immerse myself in music.
And the other thing is the existence of the vacuum tube amplifier KMQ8 that I received from my high school teacher. When I settled the KMQ8 from the pre-output of the SANSUI AUD-907 and connected it to the TANNOY Arden2, the music started to become very lively.
It was fun no matter what I played. I guess the expressiveness of the mid-range, which is the most noticeable, was good. Since then, I think that the next level up will be with vacuum tubes.
to be continued.