No.8. How to relate to music. 第8回 音楽との関わり方
I have forgotten what I intended when I wrote this title. So, what shall I write? I think that a person's relationship with music...
No.8. How to relate to music. 第8回 音楽との関わり方
漆塗りの効果について The benefits of URUSHI lacquered
聴くということ Just listening
No.4. My audio journey 第4回私のオーディオ遍歴
A wise man gave me many advices
Susanne Lautenbacher
モノラルカートリッジ3種盛りTipical cartridges for monaural play
SPレコード用カートリッジ3種盛り Tipical cartridges for 78rpm(SP)
78rpm Bach sonata no.1 in G minor for solo violin by Szigeti
ジャズをビンテージSPUで Listening jazz with vintage SPU.
レンタルオーディオルーム⁉︎ audio cafe?
古屋さんといえば…。The magnate of the cartridges and the tonearms
Victor CD-4 vinyl record
ひとりぼっち Alone
ブルースの真実 The blues and abstract truth
Bill Evans
レコードのお試し再生3 We tried to play record and made a movie by a smartphone.
Listening event by professional DJs プロのDJの試聴会