A wise man gave me many advices
Today a wise man gave us various deep and profound talks and valuable advice. If a third party had listened to them, they would have...
A wise man gave me many advices
モノラルカートリッジ3種盛りTipical cartridges for monaural play
SPレコード用カートリッジ3種盛り Tipical cartridges for 78rpm(SP)
ジャズをビンテージSPUで Listening jazz with vintage SPU.
レンタルオーディオルーム⁉︎ audio cafe?
ひとりぼっち Alone
ブルースの真実 The blues and abstract truth
Bill Evans
大学教授⁉︎ Like a professor
レコードのお試し再生3 We tried to play record and made a movie by a smartphone.
レコードのお試し再生1 We've just played a record with our cartridge.No.1
当研究所のカートリッジについて About our cartridges 1