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第7回出会い No. 7 Encounter


I wrote a little about it in the 5th and 6th installments, but I met many people at various milestones.

This time, I won't mention Ken Shindo of the Shindo Laboratory or Chiaki Kikuchi of FIGARO\Lumiere, but I would like to remember the others.


My classmates who came from relatively wealthy families had things I couldn't buy, such as high-end boomboxes, BCL radios, their older brothers' and sisters' stereos, and their uncles' high-end audio sets, and they would let me listen to them or lend them to me (they would let me use them at their houses for a few days). I also enjoyed having them record records on tape (I didn't have a record player for a while, so I would have my friends record them at their houses and listen to them on the boombox at home).

If my parents had heard me, they might have scolded me. My parents were suspicious too.

They also took me to an audio shop. At the time, I didn't think it was the kind of place I would go to. As a teenager, I was intimidated by half-baked stores.

A salesperson in the audio department of a home appliance retailer.

In my late teens, I started going to the audio departments of electronics retailers and specialty stores.

There were young salespeople at electronics retailers in particular, and before I knew it, I had become friends with them.

At the time, I brought Seiko Matsuda's debut album to them, and they asked me to let them record me! They recorded my sound and theirs.

I listened to most of the equipment in the store, and found out that some of the salespeople were university students working part-time or helping out manufacturers.

Regular salespeople asked me, "How do you know that?" and "Don't tell anyone."

The salespeople themselves told me, and I intuitively felt it would be bad to tell others, so I didn't say anything.

And then there was my physics teacher in high school.

They gave me a vacuum tube power amplifier called LUXMAN KMQ8.

In exchange, they gave me homework to "maintain an amateur radio antenna."

I set up two ZL Special type antennas, which were a bit popular at the time.

As soon as I changed to this amplifier, music started to sound livelier and more enjoyable, and from then on I became a fan of vacuum tube amplifiers.

I was very impressed by the change at that time. However, looking back (the introduction of Mr. Shindo's amplifier), I realized that I still had a lot to learn.

Audiophile in the dormitory

When I was in my first year at work, I was staying in the company dormitory.

I found out that there was an audiophile on the same floor, so I visited his room.

There was a beautiful speaker with a piano black finish, the Diatone DS10000.

He liked my Lux amplifier and had bought the latest power amplifier at the time, the L04?, but he didn't seem satisfied.

One day

He asked me, "Do you have any amplifiers you would recommend?"

Considering our young economic situation, I answered, "ROTEL."

One day, he was always busy working overtime, but he was in his room, so I called out to him...

He muttered, "I bought it because you said it was good."

I looked and saw that it was that ROTEL power amplifier, and he had bought two of them and connected them in BTL!! He was in a good mood for a while, but after about a month, he asked me, "It was good at first, but I'm still not satisfied!" "Is there anything else?" I said, "Okay, I'll tell you about the best amp I know, but it's a lot more expensive!" He said, "Okay, let's go!" Our destination was the Shindo Laboratory, and our aim was the top-of-the-line 300B single power amp. We left on Saturday morning in a rental car. When I woke him up in the morning, the DS10000 was already loaded into the car. Shindo, let's go! And he bought the 300B amp. This made me realize how loose the playback sound had been up until then. The amp's speaker control capabilities were outstanding. Both his DS10000 and my TANNOY Arden2 were very effective, clear, crisp, sharp, and refined, and there was no turning back. From that moment on, my line of vacuum tube amplifiers were made by Takeshi Shindo.












































アンプのスピーカーコントロール能力は群を抜いていました。彼のDS10000も私のTANNOY Arden2もそのメリハリに効き具合、音のクリアさ、キレ、音色の上品さ、もう戻れません。


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