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第5回 私のオーディオ遍歴2 No.5 My audio journey 2.








その店で聴く古いクラシックレコードが心地よかったんですね。演奏が良い、生き生きしている。アンプはQUAD2+22、スピーカーはAXIOM80やTANNOY blackやドイツなど欧州のフルレンジなど。蓄音機で聴くクラシックも体験しました。












Then I entered the workforce, and my first bonus was just a small gift, so I bought a suit and that was it. Colleagues bought cars on loan, etc.

The first thing I bought when I started working was a record player.

At that time, I frequented a store called "FIGARO" that sold old records and vintage European audio equipment.

For some reason, I ended up buying a GARRARD301 there. I thought I would get an Ortofon tonearm, but it was a DECCCA, so the cartridge was naturally a Mark1.

Until then, I was considering LINN or THORENS.

I enjoyed listening to the old classical records at that store. The performance was good and lively. The amplifier was QUAD2+22, and the speakers were AXIOM80, TANNOY black, and European full-range speakers from Germany. I also experienced listening to classical music on a gramophone.

There was something that new records and new audio could not express.

FIGARO's Kikuchi heard the sound my previous audio equipment was playing and said that it was better than others, but it lacked dignity and prestige. To be honest, I didn't have any idea at the time what kind of playback would give it dignity and prestige.

At that time, I also occasionally went to the Shindo Laboratory (I would go there to buy capacitors or bring records to listen to).

One day, I was listening to classical music (I can't remember what it was), and I suddenly had the feeling that "this is what a high-quality performance and playback is like." It seemed to be dignity and prestige.

By the way, the speakers were RCA magnetized open baffle, the amplifiers for the pre-amp and main were Shindo's best 300B single and Petrus, and the player was a GARRARD 301. All were made by the Shindo Laboratory.

Personally, I think that this kind of awareness and sensation is very important. I think that whether a person's sensitivity develops or not depends on whether they can catch this sensation themselves.

The sensations (not logic or theory) after perceiving hearing and taste are very important.

I think that many people confuse "thoughts" and "sensations," "thinking, feeling" and "feeling."

The sensitivity of people who can raise their feelings to the level of consciousness and catch them is amazing.

This is a feeling that everyone has.

I think it would be a good idea to take some time to ask yourself this question.

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